The ownership of the website:

Company Name: Pritamine Limited

Address: Suite 31a Philpot House, Station Road;

City: Rayleigh;

Trade Register number in: United Kingdom

Registered Number : 12663134;

VAT : 350 4335 29;

Company director: Louise Giles


The legal person for the publication:

The Webmaster: Pritamine Limited

Contact the Webmaster:


Company contact details:

Main Institution Address: Suite 31a Philpot House, Station Road;

Email address:

The Site Builder: Pritamine Limited

The Publishing Manager: Pritamine Limited

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Pritamine Limited is a member locating in United Kingdom and the FATF which is obliged to execute a legal line of responsibility and rules to implement the AML policies of FATF and EU. The reason for those laws is to detect and avert money laundering including potential terrorist financing.

This document describes Pritamine Limited policy and precautionary measures for the detection and prevention of fraud or terrorism financing activity (hereinafter AML) within the products and services offered by Pritamine Limited to its customers. Used Pritamine Limited methods and approaches based on the Financial Action Task Force (hereinafter FATF) and Bank Secrecy Act (hereinafter BSA) guidance and recommendations.

Consequently, the terms of reference of Pritamine Limited to implement AML procedures and compliance by the FATF recommendations and United Kingdom AML regulations.

The policy and terms are provided for informational reasons only and are without legal recourse to Pritamine Limited or any of company subsidiaries, officers or agents.



Identification of the AML risks of customers and transactions allow Pritamine Limited to determine and implement relational measures to control and minimize these risks. Used risk criteria are the following: countries risk, customer’s risk. Pritamine Limited identify clients who are held in countries having inadequate AML standards or that may represent a high risk of crime and corruption in accordance with FATF recommendations.



In relation to FATF recommendations all procedures based on the risk-based approach. For AML compliance Pritamine Limited implements next procedures:

AML Employee Instructions

AML instructions are set to acquaint employees with the process of money laundering — the criminal business used to cover up the true origin and ownership of illegal bills, the laws that make it a crime and approaches to investigate the suspected activity.

Clients Activity Monitoring

Taking into account fraudulence in the financial flows Pritamine Limited demands on regular monitoring of the activity of every client to identify and prevent any suspicious transactions. This monitoring provides for identification inconsistent and untypical transactions usual client's transaction history known from previous client activity monitoring.

Due Diligence

Within the process of payment, each client has to provide personal information, including:

·        full name;

·        complete address (city and country);

·        phone number;

·        city code;

·        email.

Accordingly, before start providing services and products Pritamine Limited assures evidence has proceeded or such other precautionary measures that will produce satisfactory evidence of the identity of any customer.

Record Keeping

Pritamine Limited saves records of all documents and/or information received for the purpose of customer identification (KYC policy requirements). Pritamine Limited reserves the right record keeping for a minimum of 5 years. FATF or other AML regulator can increase the period of the record keeping.
In the investigation suspected activity Pritamine Limited reserves the right to provide the customer information of the law-enforcement agency and organizations responsible for controls AML laws.


Last update: 01.05.2020

Pritamine Limited


Address: Suite 31a Philpot House, Station Road
United Kingdom


Phone: +44 1702 908316


Director: Louise Giles
RegistrationN°: 12663134
VAT N°: 350 4335 29

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